hey this is kansai rider number! i figuredsince today was number 1...we'd talk about maybe who i am and what our plans are forthe channel. so lets get into it! to start off with i'm an american, i'm 26 years old,and i've been living in wakayama city japan for about two years. and i figure since therearen't a lot of english speaking motovloggers in japan i figured i would...i dunno giveit a shot. i like riding, definitely it's my favorite hobby over here so i figured itwould be a small way to expand my hobby. so i know a lot of motovloggers talk about bikes,and of course i love talking about bikes but i figured this would be more not bloggy imean it's still gonna be a motovlog but it will definitely be more japan related thanbike related. even though we are going to
be going everywhere on my bike there is goingto be a lot of destination vlogs. i know that living here, if you look on a map and youlook in maybe a 15 mile radius of wherever you are there's going to be 100 interestingthings to see and i had no idea. i think a lot of the japanese people take that for grantedbecause sometimes i go places and i tell my wife "hey i found this thing it was so cool!"and she's like "oh, i've never been there, i've never heard of that." and for me...soi'm from montana. a small town in montana, hamilton montana, if you've heard of it. andof course there are beautiful things to see in montana, especially nature. you've gotyour mountain ranges and your rivers and stuff. but as far as things that you go out justto see, there's like an old building that
i know of, and a few good hikes. you knowin my small area, and that's about it. over here i look on the map and you know thereare shrines, there's gotta be at least 100 onsen within a hundred...yeah probably 100onsen within 100 miles radius. i don't think that's an exaggeration. and just stuff tosee that's older than even my country. so for me, to go and see some of that stuff isreal interesting. and i thought i would like to share that with of course my friends andfamily who aren't in japan with me but also whoever else is interested. so what we aregoing to be seeing today actually. since we are in wakayama city and this is the number1, i'm going to show you around wakayama jo. i don't think we are gonna get off the biketoday, but i'll do a quick ride around wakayama
jo and you can see it to your right on thehill over there. i will zoom in when i edit this. so here is wakayama city and the populationis about 400,000 people. which you know is not a small...what is this guy doing? pushinga dumpster down the road, that's the first time i've seen that. ok so...what was i evensaying? oh yeah so 400,000 for me, is not a small town. but in japanese standards it'si dunno it's pretty rural. so a lot of people think "ah wakayama is you know... they callit inaka which means small town, country side. and you know if you are moving from tokyoor if you are moving from osaka i guess i would call it that but for my my hometownis about 3,000 people so going from 3,000 to 400,000 i feel like i'm in a big city,even though i'm not. by the way there's wakayama
castle between those two buildings over there.so the population is about this size of salt lake city. but salt lake city definitely feelsbigger than wakayama city. and i dunno what it is. i think i dunno, we got a few franchiseswe got like mcdonalds, god i think that's the only one that we have but we've got allthe japanese franchises. but if you want to go to...lets see this guy is turning. if youwant to go to a yodabashi camera which is like a basically a best buy on steroids you'regoing to have to go to a big city. and the closest one is in osaka which is about anhour and a half from here. i feel like we don't have any of the big city conveniences.we are not, you know super duper small but i just feel like we don't have the conveniencesof the big city. so i'm going to be headed
to the castle over here but it's going totake a while. as far as lane splitting in japan. i'm...you know i'm not sure how legalit is. but what i do know is that everybody and their mom lane splits. or is should sayfilters. a lot of people lane split. i don't like to filter. i don't like to...lane spliti like to filter but everybody filters here so when in japan do as the japanese do. yeahso this is actually close to my neighborhood here. so what i'm riding. actually lets talkabout riding history. so i was on a...lets say i was really into cars before i got intobikes. back home and actually you can see on this channel i've got a 1968 project thati've been working on. and that was my main thing i thought bikes, bikes are for chumps.just give me a big v8. and then one day my
friend got a 2004 cbr600rr and he let me rideit. and it was like shit! i've got to get a bike now! so i followed the advice of mostpeople and didn't go right into a super sport, even though that's what i wanted. i reallywanted that guys cbr. so i ended up finding a hoopty 1972 xl250 that wasn't running. andi bought it for 75 bucks. and i rebuilt the carb and it was all good. and i rode thatand eventually i was kick starting the bike and uh gosh what are we doing here. the scootereven passed me! i was kick starting the bike and shaft sheared off and i lost my kick start.and from then on the only way that i could start my bike was to bump start it. and ididn't live in a neighborhood with a hill or anything so that became a pain in the assreal quick! sooner or later i bought my first
big bike. which was a 2006 cbr600rr. i rodethat for about 3,000 miles and then i got...i crashed it. it wasn't necessarily my faulti was in the mountains. a guy came into my lane in the opposite direction and. haha scooter!he came into my lane and yeah i put it in the ditch and i ended up doing about 2,000worth of damage to my new to me bike. ok so, take a break from my story if you look tothe left this is the moat of wakayama castle. you can see the tip of it. right? so there'swakayama castle. so i busted my bike up i promptly fixed it and i ended up moving acrossthe country to idaho and i made that trip...sorry i moved to florida from idaho and i rode thaton my cbr in about 2 and a half days. and it was rough but i did it. after that thingschanged again, i ended up moving to japan.
and now here i am on my 2007 cbr600rr. isthis guy turning or what? nope. so lets see, to the left you'll see wakayama castle again.so about the castle, this castle was bombed during world war 2. fire bombed. it was rebuiltin 1965 i think. actually, lets park over here, i want to get a good view of this castle.excuse me. so actually i'm also married my wife is japanese and actually her great grandfatherdied during this bombing. so being american i feel not guilty but i feel a little sorryfor you know...what happened. i probably shouldn't leave my bike here but...i'm just gonna gotake a peak over here. yeah so the castle on the inside, it"s not...of course it's rebuiltso it's not original but they didn't rebuild it with the idea of keeping it original. theybasically turned the inside into a museum.
which is pretty cool, i've been through itonce but it's all in japanese, all of the descriptions and stuff so, of course you seea like a katana or you see a samurai suit and you think oh that's cool but you knowif you want to know more about it you gotta go there with somebody who is gonna be willingto translate that for you. yeah so here's my castle in wakayama city and you can walkthrough that little bridge. that's pretty cool and there's a nice little garden overthere but yeah but when i moved here i thought i would never take it for granted but nowi ride past it every single day and i don't notice it like i used to. there's a turtlein that pond...in this moat. but i guess during this bombing a lot of people were jumpinginto this moat to save their lives and i was
listening to stories from my wife's grandmaand she said there were so many bombings floating in that moat. also there is a park straightahead and to the right. we'll get back on the bike soon. and his is where they carriedall of those bodies and everybody says that the park is haunted because of that. by theway here is the...here's the bike. this guy is eyeing me. huh? jama it means in the way.kind of an asshole. 10 seconds the bikes here. go fuck yourself! god it's hot as balls here!ok so to the right there's this park here right? and after the war they ended up stackinga ton of bodies here in this park so it's a park and i think there is a shrine therei'm not positive but people say that place is haunted now because of all the bodies.i don't really believe in ghosts. but you'll
find that japanese people are pretty superstitious.not superstitious but they believe in the super natural. you know ghosts and things.ok so as far as personalities go, you are going to find a lot more interesting and livelymotovloggers. and i think...i dunno if you asked me i would say a lot of that is an actthat people put on because the camera is going. and the thing about me is, even when my wifeis taking a picture of me and she says smile! i'll do my best to smile but you can tellfrom a mile away that its not real or not genuine. so i'm not a good actor i'm not reallya loud guy. so what you see is what you get. it's gonna be pretty mellow but it's alsogonna be real. here's a guy on kawasaki that's cool. so that was motovlog number 1! if youwant to subscribe feel free but more importantly
what i would appreciate more than that isif you have any comments or you know any criticism i would be happy to hear it because this ismy first time i'd like to get better at this so let me know! anyway thank you for watching!i will see you next time!
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