Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

kia sports car

2016 hyundai genesis coupe the standard features of the hyundai genesis coupe 3.8 ultimate w/tan seats include lambda 3.8l v-6 348hp engine, 8-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , integrated navigation system, side seat mounted airbags, curtain 1st row overhead airbag, driver and passenger side airbag head extension, airbag occupancy sensor, automatic air conditioning, 19" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control. 2017 volkswagen golf gti the standard features of the volkswagen golf gti s 2-door include 2.0l i-4 210hp intercooled turbo engine, 6-speed auto-shift manual transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , side seat mounted airbags, side curtain protection curtain 1st and 2nd row overhead airbags, airbag occupancy sensor, climatic air conditioning, 18" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, electronic stability.

2017 audi a5 the standard features of the audi a5 2.0t sport include 2.0l i-4 220hp intercooled turbo engine, 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes, side seat mounted airbags, sideguard curtain 1st and 2nd row overhead airbags, driver and passenger knee airbag, airbag occupancy sensor, automatic air conditioning, 18" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, quattro all-wheel drive. 2017 mercedes-benz c-class the standard features of the mercedes-benz c300 base include 2.0l i-4 241hp intercooled turbo engine, 7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , side seat mounted airbags, curtain 1st and 2nd row overhead airbags, driver knee airbag, airbag occupancy sensor, babysmart airbag childseat sensor, automatic air conditioning, 18" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, 4matic all-wheel drive.

2017 bmw 230 the standard features of the bmw 230 i xdrive include 2.0l i-4 248hp intercooled turbo engine, 8-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , side seat mounted airbags, curtain 1st and 2nd row overhead airbags, airbag occupancy sensor, automatic air conditioning, 17" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, all-wheel drive. 2017 cadillac ats the standard features of the cadillac ats 3.6l premium performance include 3.6l v-6 335hp engine, 8-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , integrated navigation system, side seat mounted airbags, curtain 1st and 2nd row overhead airbags, driver and passenger knee airbag, airbag occupancy sensor, automatic air conditioning, 18" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control. 2017 bmw 440

the standard features of the bmw 440 i xdrive include 3.0l i-6 320hp intercooled turbo engine, 8-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , side seat mounted airbags, curtain 1st and 2nd row overhead airbags, driver and passenger knee airbag, airbag occupancy sensor, automatic air conditioning, 18" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, all-wheel drive. 2017 infiniti q60 3.0t red sport the standard features of the infiniti q60 3.0t red sport 400 include vr 3.0l v-6 400hp twin turbo engine, 7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, automatic air conditioning, 19" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, all-wheel drive. 2016 porsche cayman gt4 the standard features of the porsche cayman gt4 include 3.8l h-6 385hp engine, 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes, side seat mounted airbags, curtain 1st row overhead airbag, airbag occupancy sensor,

air conditioning, 20" aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control, electronic stability. 2017 jaguar f-type svr the standard features of the jaguar f-type svr include 5.0l v-8 575hp intercooled supercharger engine, 8-speed automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , integrated navigation system, side seat mounted airbags, driver and passenger side airbag head extension, airbag occupancy sensor, automatic air conditioning, 20" forged aluminum wheels, cruise control, abs and driveline traction control.

Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

japanese sports car

hey guys! morohshi-san is kind of a famous person in the japanese car scene. and he recently even got part of the new "need for speed" game! and one of his most amazing cars is his orange, customized lamborghini murciã©lago! thanks for watching! also a big "thank you" to steve

who made this video possible! also check out his channel "steve's pov" when he meets morohoshi-san for a midnight led lamborghini run! please subscribe! and see you next time! bye!

Rabu, 28 Desember 2016

japan sports car

hey this is kansai rider number! i figuredsince today was number 1...we'd talk about maybe who i am and what our plans are forthe channel. so lets get into it! to start off with i'm an american, i'm 26 years old,and i've been living in wakayama city japan for about two years. and i figure since therearen't a lot of english speaking motovloggers in japan i figured i would...i dunno giveit a shot. i like riding, definitely it's my favorite hobby over here so i figured itwould be a small way to expand my hobby. so i know a lot of motovloggers talk about bikes,and of course i love talking about bikes but i figured this would be more not bloggy imean it's still gonna be a motovlog but it will definitely be more japan related thanbike related. even though we are going to

be going everywhere on my bike there is goingto be a lot of destination vlogs. i know that living here, if you look on a map and youlook in maybe a 15 mile radius of wherever you are there's going to be 100 interestingthings to see and i had no idea. i think a lot of the japanese people take that for grantedbecause sometimes i go places and i tell my wife "hey i found this thing it was so cool!"and she's like "oh, i've never been there, i've never heard of that." and for me...soi'm from montana. a small town in montana, hamilton montana, if you've heard of it. andof course there are beautiful things to see in montana, especially nature. you've gotyour mountain ranges and your rivers and stuff. but as far as things that you go out justto see, there's like an old building that

i know of, and a few good hikes. you knowin my small area, and that's about it. over here i look on the map and you know thereare shrines, there's gotta be at least 100 onsen within a hundred...yeah probably 100onsen within 100 miles radius. i don't think that's an exaggeration. and just stuff tosee that's older than even my country. so for me, to go and see some of that stuff isreal interesting. and i thought i would like to share that with of course my friends andfamily who aren't in japan with me but also whoever else is interested. so what we aregoing to be seeing today actually. since we are in wakayama city and this is the number1, i'm going to show you around wakayama jo. i don't think we are gonna get off the biketoday, but i'll do a quick ride around wakayama

jo and you can see it to your right on thehill over there. i will zoom in when i edit this. so here is wakayama city and the populationis about 400,000 people. which you know is not a small...what is this guy doing? pushinga dumpster down the road, that's the first time i've seen that. ok so...what was i evensaying? oh yeah so 400,000 for me, is not a small town. but in japanese standards it'si dunno it's pretty rural. so a lot of people think "ah wakayama is you know... they callit inaka which means small town, country side. and you know if you are moving from tokyoor if you are moving from osaka i guess i would call it that but for my my hometownis about 3,000 people so going from 3,000 to 400,000 i feel like i'm in a big city,even though i'm not. by the way there's wakayama

castle between those two buildings over there.so the population is about this size of salt lake city. but salt lake city definitely feelsbigger than wakayama city. and i dunno what it is. i think i dunno, we got a few franchiseswe got like mcdonalds, god i think that's the only one that we have but we've got allthe japanese franchises. but if you want to go to...lets see this guy is turning. if youwant to go to a yodabashi camera which is like a basically a best buy on steroids you'regoing to have to go to a big city. and the closest one is in osaka which is about anhour and a half from here. i feel like we don't have any of the big city conveniences.we are not, you know super duper small but i just feel like we don't have the conveniencesof the big city. so i'm going to be headed

to the castle over here but it's going totake a while. as far as lane splitting in japan. i'm...you know i'm not sure how legalit is. but what i do know is that everybody and their mom lane splits. or is should sayfilters. a lot of people lane split. i don't like to filter. i don't like to...lane spliti like to filter but everybody filters here so when in japan do as the japanese do. yeahso this is actually close to my neighborhood here. so what i'm riding. actually lets talkabout riding history. so i was on a...lets say i was really into cars before i got intobikes. back home and actually you can see on this channel i've got a 1968 project thati've been working on. and that was my main thing i thought bikes, bikes are for chumps.just give me a big v8. and then one day my

friend got a 2004 cbr600rr and he let me rideit. and it was like shit! i've got to get a bike now! so i followed the advice of mostpeople and didn't go right into a super sport, even though that's what i wanted. i reallywanted that guys cbr. so i ended up finding a hoopty 1972 xl250 that wasn't running. andi bought it for 75 bucks. and i rebuilt the carb and it was all good. and i rode thatand eventually i was kick starting the bike and uh gosh what are we doing here. the scootereven passed me! i was kick starting the bike and shaft sheared off and i lost my kick start.and from then on the only way that i could start my bike was to bump start it. and ididn't live in a neighborhood with a hill or anything so that became a pain in the assreal quick! sooner or later i bought my first

big bike. which was a 2006 cbr600rr. i rodethat for about 3,000 miles and then i got...i crashed it. it wasn't necessarily my faulti was in the mountains. a guy came into my lane in the opposite direction and. haha scooter!he came into my lane and yeah i put it in the ditch and i ended up doing about 2,000worth of damage to my new to me bike. ok so, take a break from my story if you look tothe left this is the moat of wakayama castle. you can see the tip of it. right? so there'swakayama castle. so i busted my bike up i promptly fixed it and i ended up moving acrossthe country to idaho and i made that trip...sorry i moved to florida from idaho and i rode thaton my cbr in about 2 and a half days. and it was rough but i did it. after that thingschanged again, i ended up moving to japan.

and now here i am on my 2007 cbr600rr. isthis guy turning or what? nope. so lets see, to the left you'll see wakayama castle again.so about the castle, this castle was bombed during world war 2. fire bombed. it was rebuiltin 1965 i think. actually, lets park over here, i want to get a good view of this castle.excuse me. so actually i'm also married my wife is japanese and actually her great grandfatherdied during this bombing. so being american i feel not guilty but i feel a little sorryfor you know...what happened. i probably shouldn't leave my bike here but...i'm just gonna gotake a peak over here. yeah so the castle on the inside, it"s not...of course it's rebuiltso it's not original but they didn't rebuild it with the idea of keeping it original. theybasically turned the inside into a museum.

which is pretty cool, i've been through itonce but it's all in japanese, all of the descriptions and stuff so, of course you seea like a katana or you see a samurai suit and you think oh that's cool but you knowif you want to know more about it you gotta go there with somebody who is gonna be willingto translate that for you. yeah so here's my castle in wakayama city and you can walkthrough that little bridge. that's pretty cool and there's a nice little garden overthere but yeah but when i moved here i thought i would never take it for granted but nowi ride past it every single day and i don't notice it like i used to. there's a turtlein that pond...in this moat. but i guess during this bombing a lot of people were jumpinginto this moat to save their lives and i was

listening to stories from my wife's grandmaand she said there were so many bombings floating in that moat. also there is a park straightahead and to the right. we'll get back on the bike soon. and his is where they carriedall of those bodies and everybody says that the park is haunted because of that. by theway here is the...here's the bike. this guy is eyeing me. huh? jama it means in the way.kind of an asshole. 10 seconds the bikes here. go fuck yourself! god it's hot as balls here!ok so to the right there's this park here right? and after the war they ended up stackinga ton of bodies here in this park so it's a park and i think there is a shrine therei'm not positive but people say that place is haunted now because of all the bodies.i don't really believe in ghosts. but you'll

find that japanese people are pretty superstitious.not superstitious but they believe in the super natural. you know ghosts and things.ok so as far as personalities go, you are going to find a lot more interesting and livelymotovloggers. and i think...i dunno if you asked me i would say a lot of that is an actthat people put on because the camera is going. and the thing about me is, even when my wifeis taking a picture of me and she says smile! i'll do my best to smile but you can tellfrom a mile away that its not real or not genuine. so i'm not a good actor i'm not reallya loud guy. so what you see is what you get. it's gonna be pretty mellow but it's alsogonna be real. here's a guy on kawasaki that's cool. so that was motovlog number 1! if youwant to subscribe feel free but more importantly

what i would appreciate more than that isif you have any comments or you know any criticism i would be happy to hear it because this ismy first time i'd like to get better at this so let me know! anyway thank you for watching!i will see you next time!

Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

jaguar sports car

this is the new jaguar xe 2.0 diesel under the hood there's a 4-cylinder, 2 liter diesel, boasting 180hp and an impressive 430nm torque figure the jaguar xe aims at competitors such as; audi a4, bmw 3 series and mercedes c-class but can this 'feline' really stand against its german rivals? in terms of price, it's perfectly matched to its competition... the car i'm driving is a 2.0 diesel 'prestige' line with an 8 speed automatic gearbox, rear wheel drive (you can also opt for all wheel drive) with the current optional equipment, and it's abundant; panoramic sunroof... electric leather seats with 10-way regulations...

seat memory, navigation, a 10-speaker 'meridian' sound system... ...which doesn't sound that good... ...also has an adaptative cruise control system... eeerm... it costs nearly 62.000€ (in portugal)! obviously, the name 'jaguar' carries a certain 'heritage' factor that sounds better to the ear... i confess that if i tell someone that i have a bmw parked at my door or a jaguar parked at my door i admit that it sounds different and people will always say: 'oh a jaguar!' 'oh it's a jaguar!' but is it any better than the germans? well, in terms of engine refinement, i'd say that... no it isn't

this engine feels rougher and has noticeable vibrations when idling or under load and its 180hp which are no match for the average of its competitors that have around 190hp but in terms of torque it's actually better with its 430nm and when combined with this 8 speed auto, the end result is pretty good the car handles pretty well and in auto mode it offers 4 different driving modes; eco, winter, normal and the sport that even turns the instrument cluster to red and don't feel any great difference in the car, only the gearchanges in 'dynamic' mode become clearly faster we can also opt to use the paddles behind the steering wheel and throttle response becomes sharper the car has very tall gearing and in 8th speed, just for you to have a better idea

we can cruise at 140kph with less than 2.000rpm! something that, for a car with a high torque figure, is very easy in terms of comfort... the car is really very comfortable and the only thing i can criticize is a lack of seat support in the leg zone which for a car that can take on curves like this one that comes with optional 18 inch wheels... the front grip is fantastic, steering feel is very good it's very direct and you get to turn it in with a ... surgical precision! brakes, are in line with its peers not being any better or any worse than the rest something that really shows, and going back to that 'roughness' of this engine...

...is that, at lower revs and if you choose to cruise at 120kph where the car is spinning at 1.500rpm ...there's this unpleasant rumble from the 2 liter diesel in terms of comfort, it's very generous, with no outstanding flaws, absorbs bumps easily, suspension travel is gentle, all very pleasant where this car fails is in terms of interior space rear passengers lack decent leg room and the boot is also the smallest of the 3 'main' competitors this one has 450 ltrs, while the average is between 480 and 500 ltrs aesthetically.... the car is astonishing! the car is dazzling and those f-type inspired rear lights give it quite a presence

and that aggressive look provided by the head-lights, give it a very dynamic and aggressive stance ...something that doesn't do any good to this xe is this white colour.... jaguar has very ambitious goals in terms of claimed avg consumption figures for this xe i'm talking, for example, about the 163hp diesel version for which jaguar announces an avg figure of 3.6 ltrs/100kms! ...very optimistic figures has you'd might imagine... in the case of this particular 180hp model... claimed consumption figures are around.... average claimed figures by jaguar ...are around 4.0 ltrs/100kms. i confess that, under normal circumstances

and in a 'real world' as i like to call it... i haven't been very far of 6.9/7.0 ltrs/100kms the car's driving is very pleasant, the gearbox operates flawlessly ...although when engine speed drops too much and we get back on the throttle, i feel a certain delay in its response causing an hesitation before the car decides to drop one or two gears anyway, can't criticize that much, it's really very smooth and this up/down mecanism of the gear selector, everytime we switch on&off the car... is something spectacular...

although there's only one doubt in my mind... if this mechanism fails.... ...how do you get the car in gear? as i've mentioned, the car's filled with goodies, or at least this one is ... but then there are things that i can't understand... the car has a 'collision prevent' system... or a collision alert feature... that fails for being over conservative, because the car ahead of you is still 50 meters away and the radar is already making beeps and panic warnings.... omg!! over exagerated! then, in a car with rain sensors...

automatic headlights, a super navigation system, an 'over the top' sound system.... what's up with this rearview mirror? what's the idea? was it too much to ask for an electrochromatic mirror as standard? the cabin's build quality is pretty good ...but here, the germans take some advantage not that there are any rattles&noises, assembly or robustness issues... what happens is that there are plastics in certain areas that are no longer tolerable in a car in this price range where an audi a4 or a bmw 3 series take the lead

specially the audi a4 or the mercedes c-class hard plastics in here, in a 60.000€ (in portugal) plus car, that aims to be seen as 'different' ...is not exactly a 'plus'.... in conclusion.... i think that this jaguar xe, sums up good arguments for those looking for something exclusive and is looking to have something that differs from the 'mainstream' everyone seems to have bmw 3 series, audi a4, mercedes c-class... aaand.... we can have a jaguar xe.... which is something set apart where we'll most surely regret is that, after 4 or 5 years

in terms of second hand market, a jaguar xe will always have a much lower value than its german peers ...and then friends, there's nothing we can do.... there it goes... mate, i can see the other cars.... i'm not exactly blind....

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

hyundai sports car

hyundai motor has announced that global salesfor its luxury genesis series topped 400-thousand units in october.korea′s largest automaker said domestic sales made up 202-thousand units.hyundai projects international sales of the high-end sedans to exceed 200-thousandby the end of november. launched in 2008< the genesis bh model seriessold over 260-thousand units worldwide. the second-generation< dh model< releasedin 2013< has sold almost 140-thousand units...with more units being sold overseasthan in korea. earlier this month< hyundai announced plansto spin off its genesis series as a separate luxury brand< called ′genesis motors′.the initiative is aimed at making further

inroads into the global luxury car market.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2016

hyper sports car

[music playing] hi, it's alexandrawith the auto gallery. today we're here withmclaren beverly hills. and we're doing an amazingride and drive experience with the new 12c spider. the mclaren behind usis a mclaren 12c coupe. this car is equippedwith 3.8 liter v8 engine that offersup 617 horsepower.

we're at tra di noi restaurant. and i'm actually with davidwurth, a great partner of ours with csq magazine. we've got 20, 25 drivers outhere driving the new 12c spider in the hard top throughthe malibu canyon. our partnership with mclarenis incredibly valuable. and we're having fun. yeah, we're going to godrive some super cars. today we did 20 test drives.

one of our main test driverstoday was bruce jenner. test drive was spectacular. that car is so quick. i raced for 10 years. i really appreciatea car that works. fantastic ride. first time in a mclaren. joe was awesome. the car was awesome.

the car was better,what can i say. but joe was just pretty cool,but the car was awesome. i went on a very twisty road, alot of 10 mile an hour corners. i won't tell youwhat speed we used, but it was a littlefaster than that. it was the firsttime with a mclaren. it was super smooth,good handling. i had so much fun on the curves. i did the little tractioncontrol thing with it

on from a standstill. i won't tell youhow fast we did, but we were doing very fast. i was going so goodthat i didn't have time to look at the mirrors. they're so quick, street legal,and a lot of fun to drive. and it still was justan absolute rocket ship. doesn't look badat all, does it? i think i'd look good in one.

today was a fun day. i'd like to thankeveryone for showing up to this amazing event.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

hybrid sports car

today is an exciting day for many car loversout there. the seoul motor show kicked off this friday.automakers from around the world are rolling out new models and concept cars.our kim min-ji helps us take a peek into this event... and the cars that are creatingthe buzz. flashy and sleek take center stage at thisyear′s seoul motor show with major brands pulling out all the stops.under the theme ′experience the technology< feel the artistry′ automakers are showcasingmodels that fuse cutting-edge trends with sophisticated designs.kia motors pulled the curtain back on its much-anticipated< revamped k5.the sedan is equipped with state-of-the-art

tech... offering a safe drive... and chicdesign that can appeal to drivers of all ages. ″cars are no longer limited to just thedriving experience. it′s a part of our everyday lives. our focus was to make the car a partof the driver′s lifestyle and culture.″ foreign brands are also making a big showing.mini used the occasion to showcase its mini superleggera vision concept.it′s gained attention for its roadster shape< unique styling... and classic interior.″and riding the environmentally-friendly trend<... a majority of local and foreignbrands have included ″green cars″ in their showcase lineup.″bmw′s... i8... plug-in hybrid sports car... made its local debut.the german carmaker says it′s a glimpse

into the future<... and has even taken intoconsideration korea′s lack of infrastructure for such vehicles.″we′ve installed 120 charging facilities at supermarkets across the nation for customersto use.″ more than 300 vehicles are on site... butif the showroom isn′t enough<... there′s also a variety of hands-on activities visitorscan check out<... including driving simulations. the motor show runs through april 12.kim min-ji< arirang news.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

high speed sports car chase

hello wolf, i'm glad to see you are stillin one piece after the 'paint it black' operation, i know it went south pretty fast but it'sgood to know when the chips are down you can still get the job done. you and sirenwork very well together and deserve a commendation but there is no time for that now, i haveanother assignment for you, this time you'll be going in solo. intel suggests merryweatherare calling an emergency meeting with fib agents to discuss what they're going todo about us. further more, don percival's second in command will be there overseeingthe meeting in person, with a dozen heavily armed and well trained men, we need you to take himout. stealth is key to this operation, we can't afford a pile of bodies laying by ourdoorstep, not this time. the target is too

high profile and backlash would be dire. dowhat you need to make sure you get the target but keep your fire selective and only go loud if absolutely necessary. good luck wolf, good hunting.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

gta 5 sports car

use a upgraded bati or akuma to get to the kuruma go into your quick menu and put on a mask park the kuruma as close to the bank

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

formula one car (sports equipment)

well, jules are you ready , not for the game that we'll see now but for this race, with this weather, this humidity, this hot? yes, here is very hot, and it's very different to the australian grand prix's weather we will see on sunday because here is very hard. we'll see you are the only driver who has not raced here in malaysia yet will it be a handicap for you? yes, it won't be very easy, of course. i don't know the track, only through the simulator

but i like the circuit layout in the simulator, we will see well, the first challenge is not in the track, but here, with the impossible game ok, where are you? jules bianchi.. okyou know what you have to do, don't you? you have one minute of free practice, go!let's go! 2 secondsit's concentration, skill.. it always does the same, very fast well, this is just practice this time doesn't count fortunately good, good. it has stopped because time's upok

wellwell, not bad, but you did better on race last sunday what a debut, no? did you expect to finish 15th? did you imagine such a debut? no, i couldn't imagine it. we worked a lot for that grand prix we did a very good race, we are very happy and i have to thank all the team for it are you going to impress us now? because this time of q1 counts now well, let's seeok, surprise me q1

good, good good, 14.9 very good is it not bad?for now, you have passed the only driver who has done it that is esteban gutierrez, you can take off pressure, breath i see you are ready for this and more but are you ready for a year full of rumours? you know, with ferrari that if you can be the next team mate of fernando, are you prepared for these rumours? i'm getting ready to have a good season with marussia then, we will see what happens next year

a driver's politically correct answer but tell me, how is it sharing manager with felipe massa? at the end, felipe and you could be fighting for one seat, and with the same manager yes, we share the same manager, but the manager doesn't choose here ok, let's see if you can impress ferrari or other teams. you've done it with marussia.. q2!q2 it's worse, but not bad. you said you know what areas you need to improve, what are these areas? well, sure i have to gain experience, and to know the circuits of the championship which is very important

well, last attempt, try to do a good time, so no other driver could overcome it okfor now, you are already ahead of esteban a little bit bettervery good, good the best time, even better than we did, and we have practiced before, so.. bianchi, a pleasurethanks jules bianchi: 14.955, esteban gutierrez: 13.792 ok, goodthank you

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

ford sports car

hey guys, stephanie with americanmuscle.com,here with my review of the street scene quarter window louvers for all 2015 and up s550 mustangs. the street scene quarter window louvers area good option for the guys out there that are looking for some quarter window louversthat will add a different type of after-market look to the appearance of their car. while these are old-school inspired, they'redifferent for sure and will create a unique exterior appearance. quarter window louvers are always a quickand easy way to enhance the exterior appearance of the s550 in a non-permanent way.

so they're a good option for the owners thatare looking to add just a little something more, but that aren't looking to get crazymodifying. these louvers are five-slot open louvers,so they're automatically going to look different than window scoops. they come off the window slightly to givea low-profile box look, but the slots create the louver effect. these are not a stepped louver design likethe cervini's quarter window louvers are, so that's really going to set them apart. i would still say that they have a throw-backlook to them to the '60s and the '70s, but

they still have a look of their own. these do resemble rear window louvers, soi'd imagine that the two mods would pair nicely together. now the set that i have here in front of meis painted since we took these off one of our shop cars, but these will come unpaintedto you. so they'll have a matte black finish, whichis nice because this finish will work nicely with any color mustang. and they're also going to blend in with thewindow trim around the windows, so they'll look more like they belong.

i really like that the majority of quarterwindow scoops and louvers are off of this trend because this means that you can addthese exterior mods and not have to worry about affecting anything since these installright onto the window. another thing that's different about theselouvers here is that they will not completely black out the window, so you will be gettingsome light through these, or a back-seat passenger will be able to have a little bit of a view. the other thing to consider is that you canalways paint-match these if you want. they're made from a flexible urethane material,and this gets the product to be strong and durable at the same time so it can hold upagainst the elements.

so they'll arrive to you a matte black whichwill match any car, but if they're prepped properly, they can be paint-matched like theseare. one thing i'll mention here is that the backsideof these things aren't necessarily pretty, so if you're worried about seeing the backsidefrom inside of the car, then you always have the option of grabbing some quarter windowblackout decals to hide the backside. the blackout decals cost $25, and they'rejust a little styling upgrade if you're worried about the look from inside the car, but youwon't be getting any light through these louvers if you go that route. as far as price, you can expect to spend justunder $200 for these louvers.

these are currently the least-expensive rearwindow louver or scoop. and like i said, they do have a differentloop, so there are some other options on the site if these aren't doing it for you. like i mentioned earlier, another great thingabout these louvers is the install. i'm not sure it can get any easier than this. you're looking at spending about a half hour,and i'm going to call it a one out of three wrenches on the scale, even though you won'tneed any tools to get this done. these come almost ready to install right outof the box. you will need to put some 3m tape on the backof these yourself.

the only other way this could get any easieris if they had the 3m tape pre-installed on the back already. to start the install, since these do installonto the window and not the body, you're going to want to make sure that the windows areas clean as possible. and i'm talking no bugs, no grime or any ofthat. once the window is clean, apply the 3m tapeto the backside of the louver. you're going to want to put the tape on theflat contact areas on the louver. after the tape is installed, remove all ofthe backing and line-up the louver with the window.

it might be easiest to line-up with the rearcorner of the glass first, and then line the louver up with the top trim while still holdingthe bottom corner away from the glass. then attach the bottom and front of the louverto the glass. you really only have one chance at liningthis up correctly, so just make sure you take your time. once everything is lined up, press firmlyon the louvers in the areas where the tape is touching the glass. you'll want to make sure that you create agood seal here. one other thing the mention here is that youshould allow the tape to adhere for 24 hours

before driving your car. if you don't let it set, the adhesion couldfail, and you could be looking at your louver taking flight. wrapping things up here, the street scenequarter window louvers are a different type of rear quarter window louver that have aslotted design. they aren't going to totally black the windowout, and they're very easy to install. they look great by themselves or paired withother mods. and they come in matte black, but they canbe paint-matched. they're going to work on all 2015 and up mustangs,and you can check them out more online right

here at americanmuscle.com.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

fita commercial sports car

(upbeat music) - hi, i'm chris, and today, we're goingto be putting together the dynacraft hello kittysix-volt sports car. after about thirty-fiveminutes of assembly and a full charge, it'll be ready to ride! assembly of the hello kitty sports car should only be done by an adult, and children should not be allowed

to handle small parts ofthe unassembled ride-on. before we begin, you'll need a philips-head screwdriverand a pair of pliers from your tool chest. two seventeen-millimeter socket wrenches are included with the vehicle. scissors or a box cutter are useful for cutting packaging. you will also need two double-a batteries

for the steering wheel. open the box and checkthat all parts are present. you can check against thelist in the assembly manual. if any parts are missing or damaged, or if you have anytrouble with the assembly, don't return to the store. call dynacraft at one, eight hundred, two eighteight, one five six zero. we strongly recommend reading the manual

or watching this video all the way through before you begin the assembly, and you should read theentire owner’s manual supplied with the sports car before letting anyone ride it. this video is not asubstitute for the manual, which contains very important information for the safe use of thehello kitty sports car. okay, let's get this ride-on assembled!

first, we're going to workon the front wheel assembly. for each side, you'll needtwo number twelve washers, a bushing, an m-ten locknut, an axle cap, and the wheel, of course. this hardware may alreadybe installed on the axle. begin by turning thevehicle body upside down. start on one side. remove any hardware that isalready installed on the axle. now, slide one number-twelvewasher onto the axle,

followed by a bushing. the tabs on the bushing should be facing the washer we just installed. next, place the wheel on the axle, matching the inside to thebushing you just installed. slide the second washer onto the axle, and add the locknut. tighten the nut with your fingers, then finish tightening withthe included socket wrench.

be careful not to over-tighten the nut. stop when the threads start to show on the outside of the nut. spin the wheel. if it doesn’t spin freely, loosen the nut a quarter turn and test it again. now repeat these steps for the other side. next, we're going to installthe rear axle and wheels. for the right-side drive wheel,

you'll need the gear box, one number-twelve washer, an m-ten locknut, an axle cap, and the wheel. remove all hardware from the axle. notice that one side islonger than the other. remember, we are installingthe right-side wheel, but we’ll start by sliding the longer side of the axle through theleft side of the car.

slide the washer onto the long side of the axle before installing it. after putting it in place,move to the right rear wheel. slide the gear box throughthe axle and into the body. as it moves into place, be sure the motor and power wire are inserted into the hole in the car's body. next, install the driving wheel, matching it up with the gear box.

install the washer,followed by the locknut. you may need to hold theaxle with a pair of pliers to prevent it from turning. tighten the locknutuntil the threads begin you're done here! the left-side rear wheel isn't powered, so installing it is thesame as the front wheels, although you will need to use both included socketwrenches to tighten it.

after you have tightened the left wheel, remember to check to makesure that it spins freely. if it doesn’t, just loosen the nut a quarter turn at a time until it does. now that we've installed all four wheels, we need to check to make sure they have the correct gap. if there is a large gap between the outside of the wheel

and the screw thread, you need to pull the wheel off and add one number-twelve washer to the inside of the wheel. reinstall and re-tighten the wheel. again, be careful not toover-tighten the locknut. give a little spin to make sure the wheel moves smoothly and without wobbling. if there is any resistance,

or if the nut is pressingagainst the wheel, remove one or two washers. repeat this check for all four. after that, install the axle caps on all four wheels, making sure to line up the tabs on the cap with the inside of the wheel beforeclicking them into place. now, we're going to installthe steering column. we need two number-ten washers,

a split pin, and the column. turn the car on its side and find the correct holeunderneath the front. place a washer over the straight end of the steering column, then slide the column through the hole until it's sticking out of the top. next, install the bent end into the correct holeon the front axle, here.

place a washer over it, and insert the split pinto hold the axle in place. use your pliers to open the pin ends. let's move on to the steering wheel. turn the vehicle back upright. there is already a machine screw and nut installed in the steering wheel. remove them and set them aside. slide the steering wheelover the steering column,

making sure you line up the two holes. now, slide the screwback through the hole, then reinstall the nut,tightening with your screwdriver. then, use the screwdriver toopen the battery compartment, and insert two double-as. to mount the windshield, fit the tabs into the slots, andgive a firm, steady push with both hands untilit clicks into place. it's time to connect the battery.

it's already installed, but the power connectionsare not hooked up. simply plug the two whiteconnectors together. do the same for red connectors. this piece is called a motorhood. use four four-by-twelve flat-head screws to install it here,below the seating area. make sure the wirescome out of these slots. to attach the seat, startby moving the seat belts

out of the way. insert the tabs at the back of the seat into the matching slotsin the vehicle body. fasten the bottom of the seat into place with two m five-by-sixteen machine screws. your hello kitty sportscar comes with an mp3 port, and the included cable plugsinto the dashboard, here. mp3 devices are not included. now all that's left to dois power up the battery!

the input socket is right here. make sure you only use the charger that came with the vehicle. it's very important to always let the battery charge all the way. check the led, and once it's green, your little girl can start exploring! please refer to the manual for specific operations andappropriate environments,

and make sure the rider takes it easy while she is getting afeel for the sports car. and we're done putting together remember, if you haveany questions or problems during assembly, justgive dynacraft a call. now, it's time to takethis baby out for a spin! this video is forinformational purposes only and does not replace the owner’s manual supplied with the product.

please read the owner’s manual for complete assembly instructions and important safety information. and remember, be safe.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

first sports car

this is the brand-new 2017 nissan gtr and it is amazing i want the experience i want to be involved that's what this does thank you, porsche! the human-machine interface on this bike you're what brings it alive my first sports car, a 2009 370z oh synchrorev match, okay cool! having 332 horsepower that was nice

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

fastest sports car

the ultimate showdown - super final battle i got the pole position, due to the slower startingacceleration of fwd layout. 3.5 mil. yen tuning cost. this is the best jdm car the nsx. me and tsuchiya, we'll be togetherhunting both of them. there's no competition among them today. mine's tuning and s tires = win, i'll be drivingsparsely after getting to 1st position. battle for the throne of jdm fastest carwill be decided between nsx and gtr, don't forget about the tuned civic too.signal is on, let's start the battle! hattori's nsx r goes offwith a rocket start, catching

up to civic at once andtaking the first corner. i'll check all of them from behind. civic is doing great! this civic is fast! civic was supposed to beovertaken in the first corner, but it's still keeping the 1st position.pretty unexpected. damn, must overtake the nsx. aw, awesome. can you go that way?

as both cars fight for 2nd position,civic uses the situation to get away. but there's a back straight now. let's see how fast the gt-r is on straight. he's right behind me. no good, i miss shifted. nsx r is keeping the inside. gt-r is pretty much unableto catch up on straight! nsx r is awesome! with that said, the civic is still first.

civic is so fast! there's no slow corner for this civic. we see that civic is pretty fast, buthow about the mine's, tsuchiyasan? no big deal. the nsx r seems to be faster in corners. danger! what's with this guy, pretty dangerous! me too!! nice driving though! still keeping theposition after almost spinning out.

there's no gap behind me. i must overtake him soon. brakes started fading. the v spec got faster butheavier as well, are its normal brembo calipersinsufficient for the job? this is fun. akirakun. the price is different. ahh the brakes are giving in.

at last mine's has opened the throttlefully, passing the v spec at once. why is the civic so fast! the home straight, mine's overtakesall cars in blink of an eye! danger, danger, danger. ah this is dangerous. there's nothing to speak about. so let's concentrate onthese cars now, are the jdm fastest sports car goingto loose to tuned civic? spoon civic is fast.

there's no time for admiration! danger. oops! nsx r slides off to the outsideand gt-r jumps inside at once! go! nsx r is fast! it's over, something's wrong with electrics! (alternator troubles, continuing racing with irregular ignition) if somebody could releasethe pressure, please~! no good, the oil temperature is shooting sky high.

ida's v spec is havingadditional troubles with oil temperature, must refrainfrom using 3rd gear. have to concentrate now! on this battle. dangerous! i'm a good team player. it's easy to drive. the mine's. watching this battle is more enjoyablethen watching mine's having fun alone.

as it seems the youngster has tofight with lightweightness now. what, what's going on. mine is a turbo car. damn i had to back offthe throttle, did he miss shifted?? civic is pretty quick! 120â°c is really bad. everyone planning to buyr33 gt-r, please be advised to pay more attention to yourwater and oil temperature. mine's has lowered its pace dueto raising oil temperature,

but the ongoing battle here isstill under the full throttle! go, go faster! go faster! the battle enters the final lap. it's still pretty unclear who's gonna win. excuse me but i'm trying tolower the oil temperature. don't come closer duringmy cooling phase. nsx r is very fast on straight. why?

gt-r should be faster in corners, right? danger, danger. very dangerous. this suspension is very easyto handle, anyone can do it. the last hairpin, ida's vspec goes on to attack, the decision should bemade on the last straight. he's fast! go, run! straight top end is nsx's domain.

they enter the last corner wildly! i win! ok! nsx r manages to defend itsjdm throne successfully. in my case, as soon as you go full blast theoil temperature starts to raise, over 120â°c. i though it'd be easy game once i get tostraights, but then i started to doubt if i really got a turbo. the nsx pulls away in 3rd gear.better aerodynamics. the nsx gets tail happywhen the tire pressure changes. the engine, i was havingtroubles with electrics

suddenly, i tried to turn thekey on-off once, and then whhhmmm. at one time i thought the race wouldend with civic in first place. anyway while observingthe cars from behind with my mine's we could seegood and bad points of each car. i hope you likedwatching the race.

Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

extreme sports car

an airfieldsomewhere in lower saxony... these days are made for breaking records. introducing the norwegian pal-arvid blytt'spontiac trans am. believe it or not, it's got 1388 hp under the hood. for grip,the most extreme sports car worldwide, and a frightening one at that.

that's the worst experiencei've had in a car. and it was the first timei've been scared in a car. i'd never been scared in a car before,and then i thought: actually,it's not something you really want. it's pretty bad. former royal air force stationahlhorn. where the pontiac trans ammeets its first competitor. his name is georg framme,a compound bow archer from papenburg. georg says:

"the only thing faster than my arrowis a bullet." the bow itself is made of cnc milled aluminum. it has carbon limbs, and it's also got these pulleys that basically enabletwice the acceleration. it can shoot an arrowat a speed of up to 300 feet a second. that's between 560 and 595 mph. 15 minutes until the duel.

the competitorsmeet for the first time. hello, i'm paul. i'm george.- you're the man with the arrow? with the arrow, yes. and you're the man with the monster? i think i can beat your arrow. i don't think so.i'm going to beat you. we'll see. the last preparations.

they put the optimal tireson the pontiac. so george knows when to shoot,a photo sensor with an acoustic soundwill be used. we're hoping for a dry track.then we'll beat him. the drier the track, the better. the runway at the airfield is almost exactly 1.6 miles long. on a stretch of trackjust .93 miles long, pal-arvid will accelerate the pontiacto 217 mph,

then duel with the arrowfor another 230 feet. that leaves just .62 milesto bring the pontiac to a halt. it'll be close. the winner can't be identifiedwith the naked eye. but the high speed footage proves: the pontiac crossed the finish linea split second earlier. it's the moment of truthfor pal and georg. neither candidate knows who wonthe arrow vs. car competition.

a tenth of a second difference. here's the car. and here comes the arrow. nice. you saw it. the car wins. not by much, but you won. as long as i came in first. thank you. it was an exciting fight.

pal-arvid blytt'spontiac trans am. the norwegian bought the carin the year 2000. since then the tunerhas been modifying his baby into one of the fastest carsin the world. the american car normally hasjust 222 hp under the hood. the car became famous as "k.i.t.t."with david hasselhoff at the wheel. this norwegian modelis definitely film-worthy as well. the heart of the trans am: a supercharged chevy engine

with an unbelievable8,9 liter cylinder capacity. technical specs are impressive: max speed is supposedly over 249 mph. the speed demon has 1388 hp. the tuning parts alonecost a quarter of a million euros. the high speed oval in papenburg. one of the few tracks worldwide where it's even possibleto drive max speeds over 249 mph. flashback to october 2008.

in papenburgpal-avid got his pontiac up to 252.981 mph, the third fastest speed in europe. that's the numberhe wants to beat today. matthias malmedie,is no stranger to high horsepower. but more than 249 mphis new territory for him too. honestly,just looking at the car... ... it doesn't look likeit could go over 249 mph. it's supposed to looklike a normal car.

i want to feel that thing.- then come on. test driveat the papenburg testing ground. just a reminder: this isn't somehigh tech supercar worth millions, like the bugatti or the koenigsegg. to put it bluntly, the trans amhas been tinkered together. that makes thisa real test of courage. why did i say yes? why did i say:

yes, i want to drive in this car. oh crap! this vehicle is a street-legalbat out of hell. holy shit! i couldn't really tell what gear that was, but i think in 4th gear,the wheels spun. did the wheels spin in 4th? yes.

did the wheels spin in 5th? 5th gear was okay. spinning wheels at a speed of 186. actually, the car should be treatedgently before the record attempt. driver change. matthias wantsto take the reins of the black beast. so. engine's running. then i'll start driving.

matthias warms up the wheels first. nothing could be simpler in this car. that's so intense. it's just way too intense. it's hell when you sittingin the passenger seat, but here... no matter what gear you're in, when you hit the gas andthe supercharger goes full tilt, it's just terrifying.

so, 4000 and thesupercharger is going full tilt. matthias aims for max speed. but after about 20 minutesthe ride ended abruptly. so, i had a blowouton the right rear tire going 155 mph. and that was one heck of a jolt. pal,what was the problem with the tires? the problem is: the tires can't handlethat kind of punishment. we did some hardcore burnouts.

looks like it was too much for them. pal kept sayingwe have to put the good tires on. but for some reasonwe kept going around the track. i'm going to be honest here: pal can feel free to go 249in that thing. i'm not getting back in there. that thing is hell on wheelsand he's the devil in person. 30 minutes until the record attempt. enter race track employeehendrik vieth.

i'll be taking the readings. we'll be usingthe vbox by racelogic, a very exact measuring device. it works via satelliteto measure the exact speed. it logs data at 100 hzor 100 cycles a second to the second decimal place,so it's very official. just 10 minutes to go. paul is extremely focused.he's examining the engine settings, as his girlfriend looks on.

if it was up to her,they'd return to norway right away. i believe him when he tells meit's not dangerous. and i believe in his capabilities. but there are factorsoutside his control, and that scares me. i have great respect for the car... and for the goal of going 249. when you're inside...he built it all himself. so it's homemade, pretty much.

and at first glance... cables are sticking out,there are bare patches of metal, the rollover cage is rusty, some sheets of metal have justbeen hammered back into place... it's not exactly reassuring. pal seems like a nice guy. he doesn't appearto be completely nuts. he's definitely nuts,but not completely. he's looks too nice for that.

time to head tothe high-speed track. it's 7:45 pm. they're behind scheduledue to the blowout. the record attempt has begun. he accelerates to 230around the steep curve. and goes full throttlein the straightaway. the tires areonly approved to 217 mph. the manufacturer urgently warnsagainst higher speeds. pal is now going over 249 mph.

hopefully they'll hold up. just to illustrate the speed: the distance markersare 50 meters apart. one, two, three, four, five,six, seven, eight, nine, ten. that was just 500 meters. i'd guess i was slower than 251, but faster than 249. the engine is running a bit too rich. the results.

the data was sentto hendrik's laptop via satellite. just as a reminder: pal-arvid's old recordwas just over 253 mph. the fastest lap was 251 mph. is it too dark now? yes, it's too dark. we have birds here that fly very lowwhen it's dark. and that's not good for you. you're right. we don't like birds.

i have a sense of speed. everything has to be perfectif you want to go 258 or even 262 on this track. this year pal is taking his trans amto a street race in the usa. he's bankingon an average of 217 mph. let's hope the tires hold up.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

electric sports car

the bmw i8 is a head-turner of epic proportions but actually has morelayers than just that it is sporty it is when especially if you consider that it is aplugin gasoline-electric hybrid now you'llnotice overall the styling has its own kind layered approach andthere's a purpose to that i you'll see aerodynamics being a hugepart love how the car works and how it staysefficient you've got one intake hear that it's great cooling radiator in thefront

on and then even hear this a littleintake is for what bmw calls and air curtainthe air floats around here and actually creates a barrier alongsidethe spinning wheel which actually improves airflow now bmw cause a flaw that arethe at the flow stream and it actually is guided up likes onnn sup shooting through thisdocked here so this is actually a functional elementthis a central hole in the car this air shoot

serves a purpose but it also makes heckup the unique styling elements for the car now the hybrid aspect to theiaea might sound familiar because you canplug it in and charge it up and you can go according to bmw 22 miles in electric-only mode before a gasengine takes over and takes you a few hundred i miles more according to the epa it'sactually more like 15 miles of range an electric power the difference here isthat the front wheels are powered by anelectric motor

driving a two-speed transmission and therear wheels are driven by a 1.5 liter turbochargedthree-cylinder through a six-speed transmission so yougot all-wheel-drive with one tie promoter in the front onein the rear now you can charge it up before you head out that kinda the point any plugin on bmwprovides this basic household charger that you would plug in and you can rechargeidk the battery in about three and a half hours

now if you have a level 2 charger youcould do it and more like an hour hour half one element that always getattention in a car is towards the go upward um some people call the scissor doorstypically scissors go straight up this is more of a wing collar sizzling if youwish what are the ways that bmw saves weight is through the use of carbonfiber reinforced plastic which has about half the weight of steel

but equal strength i'm you can actuallysee the carbon fiber here i on the door exposing a couple placesthat also makes up this entire cell which bmw calls the i life module that's where the peopleare i'm now you'll see for looking into thatthis is a two plus two which a really means two seats in thefront and two things in the back to look likeseats but couldn't really company much as anyone but you'll be glad to have this becausethe storage compartment in the back

is only 4.7 cubic feet which is actuallyquite small for cars extreme looking at cia there aren't that many drawbacks littlebit tougher to get into because its low-slung and once you're inside i noticed thatthe sign when does not go down all the waywhich seems like a small thing but i did have a little trouble reaching the told today on the way to the studio i'vealso found that the a-pillars here in front i

jumped forward so they are kinda in yourline of sight close enough to your your eyes that their pretty widely canbe a little bit obstructed the driving experience in the i eight turns out to be very goodand typically bmw there is a lot of power all told the electric motor gives you129 horsepower and 184 pound-feet of torque the gas engine even though it is smallput up to 128 horsepower and 236 pound-feet of torque that's moreoutput per liter than any other bmw

engine putting together you got 357 horsepower420 pound-feet of torque what is active you 0 to 60 in about moremike magnums with the mall unreal hours were in themood in mom and it does it without slippingbecause it is all wheel drive that also plays a part in the handlingwhich is good the balance front to rear is againtypically bmw very good um overall it behaves exceptionally well

when you're in sport mode %uh it seemslike the front wheels the rear wheels both motors are talking to each other andreally being seamless i think the only shortfalls if you're in one othermore ego friendly mode deco pro mode and then younail the accelerator as you need to go thatis when the car is not not prepared to and you'll be a littlebit on the lightning while the gas engine turns on michigan forward otherwise the drivingexperience

and the ride quality very good now thevisibility to the rear is actually pretty good and for parking purposes you have a lotthe cameras forward back there's a surround camerasystem for essentially looking down on top of the car you also have i forward and rear sonar sensors so you're set in thatregard about bmw goes out of its way to make this look like a regular car themain differences you have and he drive button thecompressor put it in

all-electric mode i which is certainly powerful enough but not quiteas quick as a car can be brings you up to 75 miles per hour youwanna go up to 155 miles per hour you need to the assistant up the gas engine as wellthe design a at the cabin here's actually kind of multilayered in its own way i a copy some other shapes from theoutside i'm oftentimes i find a vehicle for a bit too busy too manytextures and stuff that's

somehow this happens to work reallygreat have a 10-point to inch screen up here close to your line of sight i and stillhave the idrive controller down here right whereyou're hand rests on and here's a little low on storagespace partly because the battery pack runs thelength vehicle down low so not a lot of depth here a one smallcup holder here and to better ones back here if youhappen to be double-jointed if you're up to me the

i aids electric-only range would belonger than 15 miles and then once it hit that point theefficiency would be better than 28 miles per gallon combined on premium fuel but it's not just about efficiency hybrid technology serves alot of purposes and in this car it serves the purpose of all-wheel-driveand high-performance if you don't know the story of the teslamodel s you probably don't recognize that efficiency high-tech and luxury all go together they are all about imageand they tend to equal

success one combine and

Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

deronda sports car

mr. carney:good afternoon, everyone.thanks for being here. i have no announcementsto make, so i'll start with your questions. jim. the press:thanks, jay. a couple things. on korea, so far we haven'tseen any test missiles fired by north korea. does the president take thatas a signal that things are cooling down, perhaps?

and secretary kerry said overthe weekend that the u.s. could reach out to kim jong-un underthe appropriate circumstances. i wondered if you couldtalk about what those circumstances would be. mr. carney:on the first part, we have seena pattern of behavior reassert itself in recent weeks. and we would not be surprisedif that series of provocative actions and bellicosestatements were to continue. so we're monitoring thesituation very carefully.

we are taking the prudent stepsthat we've talked about in terms of ensuring that ourhomeland is defended and our allies are defended. and we are engaging with thechinese and the russians, as well as others, to urgethem to prevail upon the north koreans, usingtheir specific influence, to ratchet down the behaviorand the rhetoric because it does nothing good for anyone -- it does not help for the causeof stability in the region.

it certainly does nothing fornorth korea's aspirations to rejoin the community of nations. it does nothing for thenorth korean people. on the matter of negotiations,it has long been our position -- and this is i thinksomething that secretary kerry made clear -- that northkorea has available to it a path it may take -- could take if itagreed to the basic principle that it needs to be committed toits international obligations; it needs to be committed theproposition of a denuclearized

korean peninsula. and through the six-party talks,there is a path available. but north korea hasunfortunately chosen another path, a different path, thepath of provocative behavior and rhetoric that has onlyserved to isolate it further and to bring more harm to itseconomy through sanctions and the like. so that's what secretarykerry was referring to -- is that this path isavailable to north korea,

but that has longbeen our position. the press:the fact that -- you've talkedin the past about how this has been a pattern of activityon the part of pyongyang. but the fact that they haven'tfired a missile, though, seems to be a breakfrom tradition, given the particularanniversary. is that heartening tothe president that they haven't done this? mr. carney:well, any absence of provocativebehavior or unhelpful rhetoric

is a good thing in this case. but, again, i would not suggestthat we believe the cycle of behavior has ended necessarily. we are monitoring this asclosely today as we were over the weekend and inprevious days and weeks, and taking the necessarymeasures and working with our partners and allies to makeclear to north korea what the result of that kind ofdecision would be in terms of condemnation and isolationand further sanction.

but i just don't have anassessment to make over the fact that something has not happened. we certainly would not besurprised if north korea were to take that action. it would be in keepingwith past behavior. the press:on venezuela, any reactionto nicolas maduro's election? and does the closeness of thatelection say anything to the president about therelative weakness of the chavistas in venezuela?

mr. carney:well, we congratulate thevenezuelan people for their peaceful and orderlyparticipation in this electoral process. now, given the tightnessof the result -- around 1% of the votes castseparate the candidates -- the opposition candidate andat least one member of the electoral council have calledfor a 100% audit of the results. and this appears an important,prudent and necessary step to ensure that all venezuelans haveconfidence in these results.

in our view, rushing to adecision in these circumstances would be inconsistent with theexpectations of venezuelans for a clear and democratic outcome. and while our twocountries have differences, the united states has longdesired a dialogue with venezuela on mattersincluding counternarcotics, counterterrorism, and thecommercial relations between our two countries. the press:does this new government --does this offer the chance

for a new start inrelations with venezuela? mr. carney:well, again, i would simplysay that we congratulate the venezuelan people on theirparticipation in this process. the result, as reported,is extremely close. the opposition candidate andat least one member of the electoral council have calledfor an audit, which again, in our view, seems likean important and prudent step to take. so i don't want to getahead of that process.

i only want to say at thispoint that the people deserve our congratulations fortheir participation in the electoral process. the press:now, jay, in guantanamobay, there's hunger strikers. there was a clash between theguards and the prisoners over the weekend. is there anything you can dohere to lessen the situation? or is it becoming increasinglyuntenable and it requires some sort of action onthe white house part?

mr. carney:well, i'd say acouple of things. first, we've beenmonitoring, of course, the situation at guantanamoclosely and we're informed by the department of defense of thesteps it was going to take to move detainees from camp six -- or at camp six from a communalsituation to single-cell living in order to ensure theirhealth and security. more details can beprovided by dod, southcom, and the joint taskforce guantanamo.

more broadly, it is our view,the president's view that that facility ought to be closed. and we have taken steps inprocessing detainees and in transferring themto third countries. but the obstacle toclosing guantanamo bay -- obstacles have beenraised by congress, and that remains a reality. but our position is clear:it's in our national security interest to pursue that,and the president remains

committed to it. the press:and any movement in congress,anything you're doing with congress to try tomake this happen? mr. carney:well, we are always discussingwith congress our belief that we should take the action that thepresident has long supported, that military commanders andthe president's predecessor supported, because it's in ournational security interest. congress has, as you know,raised obstacles to this, legislatively, and that has madeit obviously more difficult to

pursue this. but that does not change thefact that it is the president's objective, and we are constantlylooking for ways to move forward on that objective. yes. the press:over the weekend, presidentabbas accepted the resignation of palestinian primeminister fayyad. this must be disappointingto the president. and how worried is theadministration this will

impact the possibility ofconstructive movement toward peace talks? mr. carney:well, first of all, i wantto say that we recognize the important roles that bothpresident abbas and prime minister fayyad play, and weappreciate their efforts as we and others work to supportthe establishment of a viable, independent palestinian state. now, it is ourunderstanding that, while the palestinian authorityshould be the source for further

details, prime minister fayyadwill remain in a caretaker capacity, at least temporarily. and i would say that primeminister fayyad has been a strong partner in theinternational community and a leader in promotingeconomic growth, state-building, and security for thepalestinian people. we look to all palestinianleaders to support those efforts. and while we greatly appreciatethe work of prime minister fayyad, it is important toremember that the palestinian

authority remains -- it isimportant to remember that this is about the aspirationsof the palestinian people. it's not about one person. these issues are biggerthan any single individual. and we are committedto moving forward with institution-building effortsin the west bank and to working with both palestinian andisraeli leaders in reenergizing the commitment to peace. so, again, prime minister fayyadhas been an important partner in

these efforts, ashas president abbas. prime minister fayyadis, as we understand it, remaining in a caretaker -- the press:until someone new -- mr. carney:-- position temporarily. broadly speaking, this work thathas been done by the palestinian authority, with the guidanceof these two leaders, is more important and greaterthan any one individual. and we consider -- we continueto pursue that path with the

palestinian leadership. the press:and switching to guns -- itlooks like a logical count suggests this legislation inthe senate might require up to 10 republicanvotes for it to pass. what is the president doingto reach those republicans? and how concerned is he thattheir votes aren't there? mr. carney:well, as i said lastweek and he said, this is a difficult challenge,and the fact that we had progress last week on theprocedural vote to allow for

debate on the underlying billdoes not mean we have gotten to where we need to be, which ispassage of legislation that is common-sense and that willreduce gun violence in america. this upcoming vote on abipartisan amendment on background checksis very important. and our position is the same asit was on the procedural vote, which is that it is incumbentupon the senators to allow a vote; if they're opposed toit, to vote no and explain why; and to understandthat if they vote no,

they will be siding with the 10%and not the 90% in the united states who supportbackground check legislation. and now maybe that is aposition they want to take. the press:and you guys willmake that known? mr. carney:well, i think anybody would --who suggested otherwise would be wrong, given theefforts we have undertaken, the president's speech inhartford last week, the -- the press:is he working the phones,or does he plan to? mr. carney:-- the fact that he brought --

he invited newtown familymembers of victims to travel down to washington withhim aboard air force one; the fact that we took theunprecedented step of having francine wheeler deliver thepresident's weekly address. the president's commitmenton this issue is very clear. and his call to the congress --and in this case, the senate -- to vote with the 90%could not be clearer. so in terms of the president'sefforts, they will continue. he is in contact withlawmakers on this issue;

has been in the pastand will continue to be. i don't have specificconversations to read out to you, but you can be surethat he is engaged on this. it is an absolute priority, andit's essential for, as i said, for those senators who will voteon this amendment to consider their position carefully;to allow a vote, first and foremost; and then todecide whether it is really in the interest of the americanpeople and the effort to reduce the scourge of gun violence inamerica to take a position that

only 10% of the people supportas opposed to the position that 90% of the americanpeople support -- a position that democrats,republicans and independents support; a positionthat gun owners support, which is to improve ourbackground check system to ensure that those who should nothave a weapon are not able to obtain them because of loopholesin the existing system. jon. the press:jay, it is certainly toughto get the 60 votes on this

compromise you're talking about. but is the president concernedthat this compromise is watering, is playing downto the point where it won't do any good? i mean, the backgroundchecks are not universal, and this actually includespro-nra provisions, including one to make it easierfor gun owners to transport guns across state lines. mr. carney:well, i would say that weapplaud senators manchin

and toomey for theirleadership on forging this bipartisan agreement. as you noted in your question,this is not an easy task, and it's an agreement that comestogether around common-sense background checks that will makeit harder for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun. now, this is not, as you pointout, the administration's bill, and there are aspects of theagreement that we might prefer to be stronger.

but it represents welcome andsignificant bipartisan progress, and it recognizes that thereare good people on both sides of this issue. and we don't have to agree oneverything to know that we've got to do something to stemthe tide of gun violence. now, there are some redherrings here when it comes to some of the provisionswe're talking about. as i said and tried tomake clear last week, when it comes to familymembers, family-to-family

member transfer, or loanersfrom sportsman to sportsman, those are exemptions thatthe president supports. and the fact is, is that whilethis is not the bill as we would have written it word for word,it does represent a significant improvement on ourbackground check system. and the presidenthas made clear, if everything that he supportedbecame law and all the executive actions that he orderedtaken were done, that would not eliminategun violence in america.

that would not mean that therewould never be a senseless act of violence thattook innocent lives. but it would reduce thenumber of these incidents, and it would save lives. and it is incumbent upon themembers of congress and all of us who are working onthis issue to take prudent, common-sense measures that donot in any way violate second amendment rights, but willreduce gun violence in america and prevent the pain, forat least some parents --

the pain that the mothers andfathers of kids in newtown continue to suffer;the pain that mothers, fathers and relatives of thevictims of virginia tech and aurora continue to suffer. we can and should do this. it's common sense. on the amendmentthat you talk about, that is a 90% issuein this country. and we talk a lot about whatthe right thing to do is,

and this is theright thing to do. but when it comes tosimply public opinion, public opinion is onthe side of doing this. and we hope that the senatorsfor whom that is an issue take it into account. the press:can you help mequantify, though, how much of a victory this is? i mean, this would beno assault weapons ban. it would be no ban on thehigh-capacity magazines.

it would not be universalbackground checks. it would include provisionsthe nra has favored, making it easier totransport guns and others. is this a 50% victory? a 20% victory? mr. carney:well, let me just say --first of all, you haven't -- all of those provisions, theban on military-style assault weapons, the limit on thecapacity of ammunition magazines, those haven'tbeen voted on yet.

you're presupposing outcomesthat i would simply suggest to you a lot of people presupposedthat we couldn't get cloture last week, andinstead we got it. the supporters ofthis bill got it. the american people got itbecause the voices of the american people were heard. the press:but your allies on the hill aresaying that those things are not going to happen; this is the onething that has a chance to pass. if only this passes, is thisanything near a victory for

the president? mr. carney:again, i'm not going toaccept the premise that other provisions can't pass. we have to have avote on all of them. there should not be proceduralefforts to block votes on any of them, and we will seewhere senators stand. the fact that thisis difficult, jon, you've covered this long enoughto know that all of this is hard, and that if anyone hadpredicted to you six months ago

what we would be where we arewith the far in excess of 60 senators who voted to have adebate on this bill last week, you would have probablydiscounted that prediction given how hard this is. so we've made progress, butwe have a long way to go. and that's why we urge lawmakersto continue to listen to the voices of americans who believethat common-sense measures to reduce gun violence arethe right way to go, that these measures in no wayviolate second amendment rights

that this president supports. and we hope that havingheard those voices, the members of the senatewill act accordingly. ed. the press:jay, on immigration, obviously,senator rubio did a lot of shows yesterday trying to put outhis view on all of this. and i wonder if you couldreact in general but also on a specific, such asa path to citizenship. the president has talked abouta clear path to citizenship.

senator rubio is talking abouta plan with a 13-year path. is that a clear path inthe white house's view? mr. carney:the president has madeclear that he would support legislation, or it is athreshold for him that it can contain within it aclear path to citizenship. now, the president's plan isvery consistent with the ideas that i think we have hearddiscussed of late with regards to the gang ofeight legislation, because that path isa challenging one.

it's a clear path, but itrequires paying back taxes. it requires paying a penalty. it requires learning english. and it requires first andforemost getting to the back of the line. that is the president's planand the ideas that he supports. and i think that while we havenot seen final language on the legislation that the gang ofeight will be putting forward, as we understand it,that is consistent with

the president's position. and also consistent with thepresident's position is an insistence that we continueto take steps to enhance our border security. the president has overseenconsiderable improvement in our border security that includes21,000 boots on the ground, more than doubling the bootson the ground since 2008. it includes apprehensionsbeing down nearly 80% since 2000 and 50% since 2008.

we have more boots on theground, as i was saying before, than any time in our history. so these are compatible ideas:enhancing border security, allowing for a clear path tocitizenship that requires a number of very specific steps. so the president is verypleased with the progress we've seen thus far. we will evaluate the legislationwhen we get the final language. but what we have seen is i thinka remarkable, in washington,

level of consensus betweenand support for bipartisan comprehensiveimmigration reform -- whether it's business groupsor labor, evangelicals, immigration groups. democrats, republicans --there is a consensus here that is required to getthis done, but it exists. and we remain cautiouslyoptimistic that this progress will lead to legislationthat can pass and the president can sign.

the press:it sounds like beyondbeing optimistic. i mean, you're not reallyquibbling with the principles that senator rubio laidout in terms of the path to citizenship -- i know notevery single line -- but you're saying in general itshares with the president. and then, on enforcement, thereare some democrats who are concerned that maybe thesespecific provisions and triggers and whatnot would be too much. i'm not hearing from you thatyou're worried about that.

it sounds like you think thepresident shares the idea that border security has tobe a big part of this. mr. carney:well, the president made clearthat it was one of his basic principles, basic prioritieswhen it came to comprehensive immigration reform that enhancedborder security be very much atop the list with aclear path to citizenship, responsibility onbehalf of employers. and what we have seen thus far,as we await the legislation itself, is in keeping with thosebasic principles and with the

underlying details of thoseprinciples that the president has had available to thepublic now for quite some time. again, we'll look at thelegislation when it arrives. but enhancing border securityand allowing for a clear path to citizenship are cornerstones ofthe president's proposal and we will await to see what thegang of eight produces. but it sounds like that is apath they are taking as well. the press:one other topic. there's a murder trial inpennsylvania that i know you

know is getting a lot ofattention, more attention, and in the media was notgetting a lot of attention. kermit gosnell, this doctorwho is accused of having -- delivering some babies who wereliterally screaming and then beheading them, he's facingmurder charges on that. it hasn't been decided yet,obviously; still on trial. is the presidentfollowing this at all? does the white house haveany reaction to that kind of situation that is alleged?

mr. carney:i'll say two things. one, the presidentis aware of this. two, the president does notand cannot take a position on an ongoing trial,so i won't as well. certainly, the things that youhear and read about this case are unsettling, but i can'tcomment further on an ongoing legal proceeding. the press:i understand thelegal proceeding. the president as a state senatorin 2003 voted against a bill

that would provide medicalcare, as i understand, to babies who would beborn after a botched abortion like this. and the president at the timesaid he couldn't support it as a state senator because hefelt like any doctor in that situation would takecare of a child. when you hear this kind ofevidence that suggests there's at least one doctorwho apparently did not, i understand youcan't comment --

you can't deal with thedeliberations of the case, but is there some legislativesolution or at least a conversation that needsto happen in washington? because on guns, youwere just saying, we need common-sense reform,we need to save lives. in this case, do we needto be saving lives as well? mr. carney:well, again, you're relating itto a case that i can't comment on and the presidentcan't comment on. i would simply say that thepresident's position on choice

is very clear. his position on thebasic principle that, as president clinton said,abortions ought to be safe, legal and rare is very clear. i just don't have commentthat could shed light on this specific case. the press:just last one on this then. is there any sort ofcommon-sense reform, though, without restrictingabortion rights?

does the white house see anyline in there where if there is a baby that is still alive, theyshould be taken care of without restricting abortion? mr. carney:ed, i just -- you're asking forhypotheticals about legislation or proposed legislationthat i haven't seen, so it's hard forme to comment on. the press:jay, thanks. back to gitmo. when was the president madeaware that the raid was going to take place?

mr. carney:again, as i think i said, wewere informed of the department of defense's intent totransition detainees from communal setting to single-cellsetting for their own security and health. as i think, i would point youthe department of defense and others for the details about it. the press:when did that happen? mr. carney:well, in advance, but ihaven't got a specific time of day for you.

but the fact is,as they've put out, we had a situation wherecameras were being covered. it was impossible to knowthrough the monitoring of it, whether the security ofdetainees was being maintained, and so this decision was taken. but, again, the details forthis mostly reside at the department of defense. the press:and how concerned is he aboutthis ongoing hunger strike? mr. carney:well, obviously, itis overall an issue,

as i mentioned earlier, thatthe president would like to see addressed throughclosure of guantanamo bay. the fact is we have facedobstacles with congress on this, but we continue to monitor thehunger strikes, specifically, very closely. but the department of defense isthe place to go in terms of the assessments about wherethat stands right now. the press:and just to make one more point,is he prepared at all to take any further steps at thispoint in time to transfer

the detainees who havebeen cleared for release? mr. carney:well, as you know, sincethe beginning of this administration, after thereview that was conducted, over 70 detainees have beenrepatriated or resettled to third countries. and the bottom line is that thisadministration remains committed to closing the facility andwill not send more individuals to the prison there. the assessments about transfersare something that's ongoing,

but we have reduced thepopulation there and transferred over 90 detainees eitherthrough repatriation or transfer to a third country. the press:and just goingback to guns, jay, there are democrats as wellwho have said that they're not prepared to votefor this legislation. i know you were just asked aboutwhat type of outreach we could see from the presidentthis week specifically. will he -- will the vicepresident be picking up

the phone and making callsto democrats, encouraging them to vote forthis legislation? mr. carney:well, i think you will seethe entire administration, and certainly the whitehouse, the president, the vice president engaged inthe effort to make progress on this effort toreduce gun violence. it is certainly the case, asi think i said in answer to a question last week, that when -- just as a basic proposition,without counting votes or

getting into where any specificindividual stands on any part of this -- that when 90-pluspercent of one party supports something and 90-plus percentof another party opposes it, if it doesn't succeed, it isfair to say that the party that was opposed by 90% wasthe principal roadblock. so the idea that there might bea handful of lawmakers from one party who have problems withit or might oppose it is not the cause for the troubles wehave here in getting these kinds of things passed.

peter. the press:the president has now haddinner with about two dozen of the 45 republicansin the senate. where do you think weare with a grand bargain? do you think we're closerthan we were before some of this outreach began? and what's your assessmentgenerally about whether we're going to get to a grand bargain? mr. carney:the house has passed a budget.

the senate has passed a budget. the president has presentedwhat he believes is a compromise budget that representsa willingness to -- as it did when he made thefundamental offer to speaker of the house boehner -- meet republicans halfway andto produce a deficit reduction package that would achieveanother $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction, bring the total toover $4 trillion over 10 years, exceeding the goal set byeconomists to get our deficits

and debt under control. so he hopes -- and this is ahope he has expressed in his conversations withrepublican lawmakers -- that there is an opennessto this path of compromise, that there are lawmakers ofthe republican party who seek to occupy this commonground with him. and we will see. we certainly would hope thatregular order would be observed and conferees would be appointedto see if there's a way to

bridge the substantialdifferences by the house-passed budget andthe senate-passed budget. and the president will continuehis efforts to engage with republican lawmakers to see ifwe can find some common ground. but there's a thresholdissue here, which is -- now, while therehave been lawmakers, both publicly and in theirconversations with the president, who have made clearthat they would support a balanced approach, that theywould support both savings from

entitlements but also revenuefrom tax reform as part of a balanced package,we haven't seen it. we have seen at the leadershiplevel an adamant refusal to engage in that, even thoughspeaker of the house boehner said he could achieve a trilliondollars in revenue from tax reform by closing loopholesand capping deductions. the president is proposing $580billion out of that process because it's theright thing to do. the wealthy and well-connectedought to have skin in the game.

it can't just be, as the houserepublican budget suggests it should be, that senior citizensand students and families with kids with disabilities ought tobear the burden alone of further reducing our deficit. he won't do that. margaret, how are you? the press:i'm great, thank you. i know you follow russiannews, obviously, as do i. so tom donilon is in russiaand he had a meeting,

and the readout from yuriushakov was that the russians feel like, a, congress is arussophobic congress; and, b, the administration is taking "noaction" to get congress in line. so i guess i'm wondering, doyou know what mr. donilon's response was to that? and what's the administration'sposition both on russia's take and on whether it's yourrole to get congress to like russia more? mr. carney:well, i would saya couple of things.

first of all, we also had areadout: national security advisor tom donilon helddiscussions with president putin, security councilsecretary general patrushev, foreign minister lavrov, andpresidential foreign policy advisor ushakov on the fullrange of bilateral and global issues in preparation for themeeting between president obama and president putin on themargins of the g8 summit and a u.s.-russia bilateralsummit in early september. the discussions werecomprehensive and constructive.

they covered a range of issues. i think i addressedthe magnitsky issue. and, look, one way to resolvethis is for the russian government to takeaction against -- investigate and to take actionon those individuals responsible for mr. magnitsky's death. that's the clear, right responseto the international outcry over his death -- conduct a properinvestigation and hold those responsible for his deathaccountable, rather than engage

in tit-for-tat retaliation. so that's our view. but as i've said repeatedly, notjust in the last week but for my entire time at this podium, wehave an important relationship with russia. we have considerabledifferences on some issues, and we are clear about thoseand candid about those, as i just was. but we also have areas where wehave and can make real progress

where our interests align. and that's why we engage withthe russian government on a range of issues. that's why tom donilon engagedwith russian officials in his meetings, including presidentputin on a range of issues -- because we have a lot ofimportant business to do with the russians. we disagree on some matters,and we are able to cooperate and agree on others.

the press:i had another -- it'sa total non sequitur. can you shed any more light onfriday, between now and friday? we've read some local reportsabout the president's plans for the end of the week,but i haven't -- mr. carney:oh, i'm sorry, scheduling. i don't have any schedulingannouncements for later in the week at this time. when we have more details,we'll give them to you. the press:if his is about russia,you can go ahead.

the press:thank you. just to follow on that --russian officials are also saying that mr. donilon passeda letter from president obama to president putin, andcould you confirm that? and also, they're saying that itinvolved some non-proliferation issues and some economiccooperation issues. can you tell us a little bitmore about what that letter -- if that happened --what it contained? mr. carney:i can confirm that the letterwas passed on from mr. donilon.

i don't have details on thesubstance of the letter beyond what i've said in generalabout the substance of our communications withrussian officials from the president-on-president meetingsand conversations down through the various levelsof government, and that is that theyencompass a range of issues -- including bilateraltrade issues, including iran and north koreaand other matters, syria. so i think you can expectthat the conversations that

tom donilon has had covereda variety of issues, and that any communications thatthe president might have with president putin would alsocover a variety of issues, as will their discussions on themargins of the g8 and later in september in st. petersburg. i'll keep with therussia theme briefly. andrei -- yes. the press:thank you, jay. basically, the same questionin a different wording.

(laughter) the russians have been sayingthat they want this upcoming summit to be devoted primarilyto economy and trade. what is your mainfocus in that summit? mr. carney:on which summit? sorry. the press:the upcoming meetingsbetween our presidents. the russians have for a longtime said that they want the meetings to focus oneconomy and trade. mr. carney:well, i think that matters ofeconomic relations and trade

relations are very important,and i'm sure they will be a focus of meetings. the press:what is the focus? mr. carney:well, i'm not goingto characterize. who knows what events inthe world might drive the conversation that won't takeplace for a number of months now, so i wouldn't predict. but those are matters ofimportance between russia and the united states, as are avariety of international issues

that we work on with therussians and cooperate on, and other matters likesyria and elsewhere where we have disagreements. all of those things iexpect will be the topics of conversation whenever we meetwith our russian counterparts. the press:certainly so. are we beyond reset? what is now? what phase are we in now?

they settled the reset? how would you define it? mr. carney:i'll leave thatto you and others. i would simply say thatthe reset was an important adjustment in our relations withrussia that began a process that i think i've beenechoing from here, which is that we understandwe have differences. and we are very clear andtransparent and candid about those differences.

and we engage with russianofficials on those differences, whether it's missiledefense or the magnitsky legislation or syria. but we also have areas wherewe can cooperate in ways that are useful and in theinterest of both russia and the united states. and we have done that. this administration, thispresident have done that over the past four-plus years.

and that has been a productivething to do for both countries, and we believe that'sthe right course to take. going back to mr. landler. and then, ari -- sorry. the press:on missile defense,but -- sorry, ari. the press:it's alright. go ahead. mr. carney:i can't believeyou did that to ari. the press:on missile defense,about north korea -- the secretary of state made sortof an interesting proposal over

the weekend in beijing, wherehe said that were the nuclear threat from north korea todecline over time, the u.s. would consider taking out someof the missile defense batteries that it's installed inthe past few months. i'm interested in your thinkingabout what's behind this sort of offer, this proposal. and i'm also curiousabout the timing. given that you said at the topthat there's no evidence that the provocations from the northhave subsided and there may be

further provocations, why danglethe possibility of pulling back these batteries ata time like this? mr. carney:well, i think you may be readinga little too much into it. i think we have been clear thatthese precautionary measures, including the steps taken toenhance anti-missile defense systems have been inreaction to the provocations. and clearly, if north korea wereto commit itself in a verifiable way to denuclearization andcommit itself to abiding by its international obligations withregards to its nuclear program

and to its missile program, thatwould be a positive thing and would result in steps that weand our international partners would take also to help bringdown tensions in the region. but first things first -- north korea knows whatpath is available to it. pyongyang and the leaders thereunderstand that they need to embrace as a principle thatthe korean peninsula should be denuclearized. they need to demonstratein a verifiable way that

they are committed to that. and they need to abide by theirinternational obligations on their nuclear program as wellas their missile program. so that's the path available. and if north korea shows thatit's serious about pursuing that path, then negotiations arethe course through which that can be achieved. but i don't think that thestatement that you cited is inconsistent with where we'vebeen for quite some time.

and the actions that we've takenon the anti-missile defense arena have been in directreaction to these provocations. the press:and then just one quick follow,which is in the short time since the secretary was in china, haveyou seen any evidence that the chinese have taken some ofthis on board in terms of the communications, the warningsthat they may or may not be issuing to north koreans? mr. carney:i don't have anything new,so nothing to convey to you in the last day or so.

we have certainly seen in thestatements by the new chinese president, president xi,an indication that -- a welcome indicationthat china is frustrated, as so many nations are,with north korea's provocative behavior. and so we are urging the chineseto use their influence to prevail upon the north koreansto cease this course of action and to take steps toreassure china, russia, the united states, theinternational community

that it would prefer a path thatcan lead to denuclearization and fulfillment of itsinternational obligations. ari. the press:on friday, congress quietlypassed changes to the stock act, and government transparencygroups say the changes basically gut the law. they're urging thepresident to veto it. does he plan to signit into law or veto it? and why?

mr. carney:i think the presidentwas scheduled to sign the legislation today. let me get my language here. as you know, withregards to this, both houses of congress passedthis bill unanimously and it was not done in a vacuum. congress changed the onlineposting provision only after a panel of experts from thenational academy of public administration studied thisissue and issued a report

recommendingindefinite suspension. in fact, one author of thereport was someone we all know well -- martha kumar,who is not here today -- for her shout-out. if you take some timeto read the report, which i would recommend doing,the napa points to substantial national security,personal security, and law enforcementissues on this matter. and it is also worth notingthat napa concluded that in the

context of the executive branch,that posting requirements had no positive impact inidentifying conflicts. the independent officeof government ethics also recommended thischange to the congress, pointing to the findings of thenapa study and noting that this information is alreadyavailable to the public. so that's our position on thisand the president was scheduled to sign it today. mr. collinson.

the press:just a quick one. do you have any informationon the u.s. delegation to the thatcher funerallater this week? mr. carney:i have no information. i expect that we'llhave something for you relatively soon. but i can't evenput a time on that. once we do, we'll besure to let you know. leslie.

the press:president obama in his stateof the union address promised more details on thetargeted killing program. and some of the congressionalpanels said they have not been able to get whitehouse officials, administrationofficials to testify. do you plan on sendingit to anybody -- up to the judiciaryor to the house? mr. carney:well, i think the presidentwas referring to himself. and i would point you to thepresident's comments about how

he has addressed this issueand how senior members of his team have addressedthis issue publicly, and how we willcontinue that progress. and the fact is we have workedwith congress in terms of providing information aboutour counterterrorism efforts and we'll continue to do that. and the president believes,as he has said publicly, that this is an important issueand that the questions about it are legitimate.

and that's why he has pursuedthese matters the way he has, because he believes it's veryimportant to have a kind of architecture in place thatlives on beyond his presidency, because our efforts in thecounterterrorism sphere will be with us forsome time to come. the press:so is that a maybe on gettingsomething up to the hill? mr. carney:i don't have anything aboutcongressional testimony. we've been very cooperativein general with congress on this issue.

i don't have anythingfor you specifically with regards to that. i can tell you that thepresident's commitment has been kept and willcontinue to be kept, which is to provide as muchinformation and transparency as possible on these matters bothto congress and to the public. yes, alexis. the press:jay, there was a hearingon the hill today about the veterans disability claims.

i was just wonderingif you could update us. i know last week there were somemeetings here at the white house on that subjectwith va officials. what is the president doingto try to either address that immediately orthrough his budget? mr. carney:well, i appreciate the question,because this administration will continue its unwaveringcommitment to serve our veterans. currently, too many veteransare waiting for far too long to

receive the benefits they haveearned and that they deserve, and it's simply unacceptable. that's why the president hasdirected secretary shinseki to fix the problem and to eliminatethe va backlog by 2015. the president has been clearthat he expects results. this administration is engagedin an all-out effort to complete this critical mission. and as denis mcdonoughsaid recently, eliminating the va backlogis a national priority.

the president is kept abreastof this problem regularly. it's one he considers asignificant priority of his. and he is veryimpatient for results. in the back. the press:you mentioned earlierabout guantanamo, that the administration is doingthings every day to close it and that most of the roadblocksare from congress. can you talk a little bit aboutwhat the administration is doing to close guantanamo orto mitigate the number

of people there? mr. carney:well, again, i think isaid despite the legislative roadblocks, progresshas been made. and since the beginning ofthis administration we have repatriated or resettledto third countries over 70 detainees. and we remain committed toclosing the facility and we will not send more individualsto be held in prison there. the press:has the president's droneprogram mitigated the need

to send more people there? mr. carney:i think that the president'scommitment to closing guantanamo has been and remains clear. it's in keeping with ournational security interests, as a number of leading figuresin the national security establishment have said, inagreement with the president; as senator mccain andpresident george w. bush have said. and the presidentremains committed to

this policy objective. we do have constraintsplaced on us by congress, but that doesn't lessen inthe president's view the need to pursue this agenda. cheryl, last one. the press:just to follow upquickly on budget -- is the white house seeking aformal budget reconciliation process this year? mr. carney:well, as we have said allalong, we have heard the

call from congressional leadersfor a return to regular order. we encourage the process thatled to the passage in the senate of a budget and that, ofcourse, led to the passage of a budget in the house. and we urge congress to thenmove forward in trying to reconcile those efforts. we'll see how thatprocess proceeds. in the meantime, the presidentis engaging with lawmakers of both parties, and most, ithink noticeably to you,

in recent weeks with republicanson this issue to see if there's common ground -- to see ifrepublicans will cross that fundamental threshold toaccept the idea that balance has to be employed aswe reduce our deficit; that we can't simply do itby asking seniors to bear the burden, or by askingmiddle-class families or students to bear the burden,and we don't have to. the president's budget -- which is a compromisedocument, as we've made clear,

contains within the offer hemade to the speaker of the house, contains within itentitlement reforms that were two of the three demandsmade by republican leaders -- demonstrates that you can reduceour deficit in a responsible way, protect our middleclass, protect our seniors, and make the investments thatwill allow our economy to grow in the future and createjobs in the future. because the president'sobjective is not balance for balance's sake, when wetalk about balanced budgets.

i mean, it is -- when the house republicanspass a bill with no details, a budget bill with no detailsthat simply says zero at the end and therefore theyclaim it balances, nobody takes that seriously. there's no -- they don't say how they're goingto achieve that when they give a $5.7 trillion tax cutmostly to the wealthy. they just declare it so.

but if balancewere the objective, we could balance it tomorrow. we could eliminate defensespending, eliminate medicare, eliminate social security. you get to balance pretty fast. but that's not the point. the point is to have policiesthat protect our citizens, protect our seniors, ensure thatwe have a growing and thriving middle class, and that we'reinvesting in areas like

education, and research anddevelopment and infrastructure that allow our economy to grow. and while we're going that,we reduce our deficit in a responsible way, in a way thatbrings our deficits down and puts our debt on a path thateconomists say is essential. and that's what thepresident's budget does. thanks, all.